2008年6月16日 星期一

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080612 上的新意見。

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Dear all, Peng An,
I love the image of the spiritual sumo. Embracing and struggling existed at the same time.
It was amusing to read the excitement of Agnes for being able to post her sharing earlier than Mou... a glimpse of her character...
Good name, Ear-East,... Hopefully the ear didn't belong to a horse, and the wind didn't blow from the east... (Just kidding...)

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年6月16日 下午 11:35 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080611 上的新意見。

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Dear all, Peng An,
I believe that the best legacy we could leave with our offsprings was our faith in God...
The challenge was how could we leave such a legacy to them. We could pray for them, we could teach them, and we could demonstrate that faith in our daily living activities...
No matter what we did to leave such a faith legacy to our offsprings, God still reserve the final decision right to them. Each one of them must make their own decisions...

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年6月16日 下午 11:30 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080610 上的新意見。

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Dear all, Peng An,
We are engaging in some very tough theological conundrum.
Personally, my understanding of this enigmatic saying was that we should know that there were two authorities or two systems of powers. One of them was temporary and contingent, and the other was eternal and absolute.
The challenge for every Christian was that we seemed to live in two worlds, the world of Caesar as well as the world of God. The challenge of two citizenships....
The dress was prepared by the King to be worn by all attendants, but one of them seemed to be so careless and disrespectful to such etiquitte. Thus he suffered from being rejected to enjoy the banquet of the King.
So the ultimate banquet of grace was free to all who would accept the invitation, but not so free as you could do whatever you wanted to do. The King made huge sacrifice to prepare the gown for each guest to wear to attend this banquet. So remember to wear this gift gown for this grace banquet...
(Ref. Genesis 3:21; Gal 3:27; Rev. 3:4-5, 6:11)

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年6月16日 下午 11:26 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080609 上的新意見。

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Dear All, Peng An,
This incidence was very fascinating to me. Too many different themes seemed to be crammed into such a short paragraph.
Some theologians would treat this incidence as to be a metaphor of God's sacrificing His only Son for us. Some biblical scholars would treat this incidence as the master piece of Abraham as Father of Faith, as our model of ultimate submission to the Will of God.
Personally I would treat this incidence as to reveal the most intimate relationship between Abraham and God. Nothing could separate the love between Abraham and God, nothing, even the blessing from God. (Ref. Rom 8:39)
God's blessing could be turned into the worst curse we might brought against ourselves if we treated God's blessing higher than God...

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年6月16日 下午 11:10 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080606 上的新意見。

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Dear All, Peng An,
I would agree with all of you that this was a tough theological musing.
Judgment was a very interesting phenomenon. Judgment would imply the concept of justice, as well as the concept of responsibility.
Responsibility would presume the one who was responsible own the capability of free will as well as moral judgmental ability.
God would never judge against a mineral, a plant, or even an animal. God only judge against human beings, who were given the Imago Dei...
Thus, judgment was a special grace from God to human beings...

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年6月16日 下午 10:56 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080605 上的新意見。

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Dear All,
The Psalms were full of such cursing or condemning utterances. Usually the biblical scholars would treat these verses as the venting expressions of human negative emotions to God.
The allowance to make such vengeantful expressions against the ones who cause our severe pain would help our psychological health. But usually near the end of such psalms the author would change his tones from cursing the enemies to praising the justice and providence of God.
Jesus Christ taught us to forgive those who offended us, and to show grace towards them. This would provide an antidote to the retaliating expressions mentioned above.
How to keep the balance between these two opposite attitudes was a tough lesson for each one of us to learn in our lives.
Some suggested that we keep those negative rantings between ourselves and our God, and we asked God to help us learn the example and the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ while facing our enemies....

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年6月16日 下午 10:50 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080604 上的新意見。

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Dear All, Peng An,
Reading your sharing and mutual discussion was a very rewarding experience to me.
Here we faced the homiletic or hermeneutic issue of interpretating the scriptures. Exegesis tried to decipher the original meaning of the original author to original intended readers. The homiletics tried to explain the possible meanings and significances to the current sermon listeners. The hermeneutics tried to investigate the nuances of the possible meanings and applications to current lives.
Very good discussions. A nonjudgmental warning advices concerning the faith commitment and the marital commitment was not easy. Usually we would lapse into the extremes of condemning forbiddance or condoning leniency.

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年6月16日 下午 10:40 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080603 上的新意見。

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Dear All,
These two incidences during the final weeks of our Lord's earthly life created some troubles for exegesis scholars.
Our Lord Jesus was both human and divine during his earthly days. Then when interpreting his behaviors we might need to consider both perspectives of our Lord.
From human perspective, these incidences showed us that Jesus would experience the hunger pain and the anger outburst. Then these incidences give us a glimpse into the humanity of Jesus Christ. Jesus was similar as each one of us, who could experience physiological suffering as well as psychological reaction. (Heb 4:15)
From divine perspective, then we would try to learn what spiritual lessons Jesus Christ would like us to learn from these two incidences. And I would agree with your interpretations concerning possible spiritual lessons we might learn here.

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年6月16日 下午 10:25 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080602 上的新意見。

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Dear All, Peng An,
Due to our trip to USA to celebrate the graduation of our daughter May at Fuller Theological Seminary, I could not post my response until now. I apologize for my lateness.

Dear YuTz,
Yeah, after paying the high tuition of life lessons, we would like to learn some thing out of our life experience...

Dear JBC,
This was a warning to those who thought that they could monopolize God. God could not be monopolized by any man or religion. God was sovereign in His dealing with all human beings. This was a humbling reminding to all of us....

Dear Mou, Peng An,
This was what I often thought of as "the most precious and the most terrible gift given to human beings from God, the gift of the freewill.

Dear Eileen, Peng An,
Let's all learn from our failure to avoid future errors and also to experience the grace of God

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年6月16日 下午 10:15 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080616 上的新意見。

卯同學 已針對您的文章「三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080616」留下新意見:

草戊尚土 牧師,平安:


亞伯拉罕年紀老邁,向來在一切事上耶和華都賜福給他。(創24:1)他明白許多事耶和華 神他必預備,當然也包括他兒子以及他媳婦。我想這也是信心的學習,我每天也祈求神預備我女兒未來的伴侶,但是如果哪天她帶了一個異教徒看起來又不討喜的男朋友回家,我能想這人是神預備的嗎?如果不是,我可以阻止他們的交往嗎?


卯同學 敬上

由 卯同學 於 2008年6月16日 下午 8:55 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080616 上的新意見。

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由 JBC 於 2008年6月16日 下午 6:47 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080616 上的新意見。

小星星 已針對您的文章「三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080616」留下新意見:


由 小星星 於 2008年6月16日 上午 9:32 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部