2008年2月29日 星期五

FW: [和平教會 教界消息] 【每日新眼光電子報 –確認退訂信函】

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 3:43 PM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 教界消息] 【每日新眼光電子報 –確認退訂信函】


您好。謝謝您長久以來訂閱 每日新眼光電子報



台灣基督長老教會總會資訊中心 敬上
2008/2/29 下午 03:42:42

由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 11:42:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 教界消息

FW: [和平教會 教界消息] |tcz¥uAaRa·s?D 20080229

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 1:52 PM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 教界消息] |tcz¥uAaRa·s?D 20080229




由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 09:21:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 教界消息

FW: [Walking On The Water ! (WOW~)] 『願意原諒』到『真正原諒』之間的距離

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 1:43 PM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [Walking On The Water ! (WOW~)] 『願意原諒』到『真正原諒』之間的距離


由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 09:36:00 下午 張貼在 Walking On The Water ! (WOW~)

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 神要賜你各樣的福氣

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 11:43 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 神要賜你各樣的福氣

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 1: 1 – 7 讀經:   以弗所書一章1至17節
The message or theme of the epistle to the Ephesians can be stated very simply, it is 'all that God has planned for the Church and for each believer'. We could add these words, 'and how that is seen in the daily lives of believers'.以弗所書的信息和要旨,可以簡單地用一句話概括出來,那就是:「神為教會及每位信徒所定的一切旨意」--我們還可以加上一句:「神如何在信徒的每天生活中將祂的旨意顯明出來」。

Paul deeply longed that the Ephesian believers might know these things for themselves. If you read his two prayers in this letter (1: 15-23 & 3: 14-21) you will see what tremendous requests he made on their behalf. He wanted them to enter fully into all the blessings God had for them.保羅深切期望以弗所信徒能明白這些道理。你只要一讀他在信中所記的兩個禱告(一15-23及三14-21),你就可知道他為他們發出了何等大的祈求-他希望他們能完完全全地得著神所賜的福氣。

Where do all our blessings come from? We often sing 'Praise God from whom all blessings flow' don't we, and that is very true. Paul said in verse 3 of our reading, 'God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings'. Everything we have comes from God the Father and it comes to us through Christ. He is the channel.我們可以向誰求福?我們中國人經常向上天求福;但保羅在這裡的第3節,清楚指出我們的福氣不單是來自「天上」,更是來自掌管一切的父神:神在基督裡賜給我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣!我們所得的一切,都是父神藉著耶穌基督賜給我們的;耶穌基督乃是神賜福和人得福的管道。

You may have seen irrigation channels by which water is brought from a river or dam to the place where it is needed. Sometimes a huge gate has to be opened at the dam to let the water flow.你可能見過一些引水的管道,它們將河水或水庫的水引到需要灌溉的地方。有些時候,水壩需要開啟它的巨型大閘,才能讓水湧進管道之中。

God has always loved us, but sin prevented the free flow of that love toward us. Then Christ died to take away sin (see v.7). When we accept Christ, God's love flows freely to us with all his blessings. Isn't that wonderful? Let's praise God today for everything he has done for us.神一直願意將祂的愛賜給我們;可是,罪卻造成了阻隔,使神的愛不能傾流到我們的生命之中。基督為了我們的罪而甘願受死(第7節),此後,只要我們接受基督,我們的罪便被除去,神的愛連同各樣的福氣便源源不絕地流進我們的生命之中。讓我們為著神在我們身上所成就的一切,同心合意地頌讚祂吧!

由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 07:42:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 牧者的禱告

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 11:38 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 牧者的禱告

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 1: 15 – 23讀經:   以弗所書一章15至23節
Paul was always anxious that those who came to know Christ through him should go on with Christ in daily living. He prayed very often for them all and here in these verses is one of those prayers. What did he ask God for? Let's take just one point and talk about it today. Paul prays 'that you might know the greatness of God's power'.保羅一直記掛著那些他帶領信主的信徒,他盼望他們在信主之後,在每天的生活中都能繼續跟從主。他經常為他們代禱;在今天所讀的經文中,我們便看見他的其中一個禱告。他向神祈求甚麼呢?他的祈求包含了多方面,但今天我們只抽取其中一點來討論,那就是:保羅祈求神使信徒「知道他[神]向我們這信的人所顯的能力,是何等浩大」。

Paul tells us how great God's power is. He says that the power that God used when he raised Jesus Christ from the dead is still available and active today and we can know its strength in our lives. 保羅告訴我們,神的能力是何等浩大。他指出,神昔日使耶穌基督從死裡復活的大能,今天仍然在信徒身上顯明,信徒可以在生活中體認這種能力。

Can you think about God's power that raised Christ? His body was in a sealed tomb and over the doorway was a huge stone. Soldiers were standing guard. Jesus had been dead for three days. Yet when God reached down and touched the body of Jesus with new life, he came out of the tomb without even rolling away the stone or being stopped by the guards. And Paul says that same power can be known by us in our lives and service today.你曾否想過,神使基督復活的大能,究竟是怎樣的一種大能?耶穌的身體已經被放進墓裡,墓口有大石封住,外面更有士兵看守。而且,耶穌已死去三天。可是,當神的能力臨到耶穌身上,耶穌便從死裡復活;祂不用把墓石滾開或越過士兵的看守,就離開了墓穴。保羅在這裡正是指出,使耶穌復活的這種能力,就是我們信徒今天在生活和事奉中可經歷到的能力。

How foolish we would be if we said, 'Yes, I know God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, but he can't help me fight against temptation!' God is with us today and his power is the same. He is waiting for us to ask him to help us. He is willing to do it. If we fail it's because we haven't allowed him to use his mighty power in our lives.我們若說:「是的,我曉得神有能力使耶穌基督從死裡復活,可是,神卻沒有能力來幫助我勝過試探!」這豈不是很可笑?神每時每刻都與我們同在,而祂的能力也永不改變。祂當然願意幫助我們,祂只是等候我們向祂求助。我們若然失敗跌倒,就只怪我們沒有求祂在我們的生命中顯出大能吧了!

Why not pray today, 'Father, I believe in your great power. Please help me to allow you to do what you want to do in my life today.'


由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 07:38:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 你喜歡你在照片上的樣子嗎?

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 11:30 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 你喜歡你在照片上的樣子嗎?

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 2: 1 – 10 讀經:   以弗所書二章1至10節
Have you ever looked at old photos of yourself and your family? Did they look like you? Did you like them or didn't you? It isn't very often that we like photos of ourselves. Somehow we always think we are better looking than that!你喜歡翻看照片嗎?你在照片上的樣子,是否跟真人的樣子相似?你喜歡自己在照片上的樣子嗎?許多時候,我們都未必喜歡照片上的樣子;總覺得真人比照片上的樣子好看!

Here in Ephesians chapter 2 we have a picture of what we all were like before we came to Christ. It isn't very pretty is it? It says we were 'dead in sins'. We behaved just like everyone else. We did the things they did and Satan had us under his control. We have to agree. That is just what we were like.以弗所書第二章所勾劃出來的,正是我們在認識基督之前的樣子。從前那個樣子真是難看,你同意嗎?經文直言我們昔日是「死在罪中」。我們的行事為人,跟一般罪人的表現一樣,同樣是被撒但所轄制。我們雖然不喜歡這個樣子,卻不得不承認那確是我們的真實寫照。

But what does one of our favourite hymns say? 'What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought, since Jesus came into my heart.' Now there's a big difference. Here's a picture that is right up-to-date. 'By grace we have been saved, through faith.' Isn't that a wonderful picture? How did it all happen?然而,當耶穌進入我們的心中,祂便給我們的生命帶來重大的改變,因為我們「得救是本乎恩,也因著信」。如今我們的寫照便截然不同了,簡直是脫胎換骨,因為我們已變成了新人。這改變的關鍵是甚麼?

Two words in verse 4 are the key –'BUT GOD'. What did God do? He stepped into our darkness and gave us light. He stooped down to where we were in sin and lifted us up to a place right beside himself and his son. Don't you praise God for doing all of that?關鍵是在於第4節--「然而,神…」。是神主動進到黑暗的世界,把光明帶給我們。當我們還是身陷罪中的時候,祂甘願紆尊降貴地來到我們中間,拯救我們,引領我們來到祂和祂兒子的身邊。你願意為到神所做的一切而讚美祂嗎?

Why did he do it? Because he loved is. He wanted to save us from our sin and from being separated from him for all eternity. What does he want us to do now? He wants us to daily live for him so that others will want him to make that same tremendous change in their lives that he has made in ours. 神為何要這樣做呢?因為祂愛我們。罪使我們永遠與神隔絕,因此,祂要把我們從罪中拯救出來。那麼,我們既已得救,祂又對我們有麼期望呢?祂期望我們每天為祂而活,以致當別人看見我們的重大改變時,也同樣渴望神改變他們的生命。


May others see Jesus in me today.









由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 07:29:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 在基督裡合一

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:16 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 在基督裡合一

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 2: 11 – 22讀經:   以弗所書二章11至22節
It is hard for us to understand how far apart the Jews in Paul's day were from those who were not Jews. The Jews had no dealing with Samaritans, nor anyone else who was not a Jew. Here in this passage Paul says we can not be one in Christ.對於在保羅時代,猶太人與其他非猶太人分清界線的做法,我們可能感到很難明白。猶太人不單不與撒馬利亞人交往,他們對其他種族的人也一樣劃清界線。然而,保羅在這段經文卻告訴我們,我們如今在基督裡已合而為一。

There used to be a wall in the Temple in Jerusalem which had a small door in it. Only Jews could go through that door. If a person who was not a Jew tried to go through, he would probably have been put to death. That wall was a very real dividing line.在耶路撒冷的聖殿裡築有一堵牆,只有猶太人可以穿過一個細小的門口進到牆的裡面;若然非猶太人試圖穿過,便可能被處死。這確實是一堵用來分隔的牆。

But Paul says that wall has been broken down now through Christ. It means that all who belong to Jesus Christ are members of his body, no matter who they are or what colour they are. As the chorus says, 'Red or yellow, black or white, all are precious in his sight'. If you belong to Christ, you are my brother, my sister. We are all in the same family. 可是,保羅在這裡說,這堵牆如今已藉著基督被拆毀了。這意味著所有屬於耶穌基督的人,無論是任何種族或膚色,都屬乎一個身體。正如一首兒歌說:「不論紅、黃、白、黑,在主眼中都寶貴」。屬於基督的人,便成為神家裡的人,彼此互為手足,大家稱兄道弟。

A question for you today. Is there anyone who is a fellow Christian who you are not willing to speak to? Is there anyone against whom you have wrong feelings in your heart? Is there anyone like that you know of? Remember that person is your brother, your sister in Christ. You will be living with them in heaven. Why not start to make friends with them and show to the world that you are really all one in Christ.今天,希望你能反省一個問題:在神的家中,有沒有哪位信徒是你不喜歡跟他談話的呢?有沒有哪位信徒是你對他不滿的呢?你知道其他信徒之間也有這樣的嫌隙嗎?請記著,對方是你的兄弟姊妹,你們將來要一同在天家生活。為何不嘗試衝破隔膜,消除分歧,一起向世人見證你們在基督裡已合而為一呢?

What did Christ say? 'Be this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one for another.'


由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 06:15:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 為信徒代求

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:11 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 為信徒代求

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 3: 14 – 21讀經:   以弗所書三章14至21節
What do you say when you pray for other Christians? Do you say, 'Lord bless (name), keep them, look after them!'? Can you think of anything else to say?當你為其他信徒代求的時候,你會為他們求些甚麼呢?你會否祈求主說:「主啊,求你賜福給他,保守他,看顧他!」?你還可以為他求取別的東西嗎?

Here is an example of how Paul prayed. Several of his prayers are given to us in his epistles. There are two in this letter to the Ephesians. They are wonderful in the depth of their requests. It is quite clear that Paul prayed regularly, earnestly and consistently for fellow believers. How much time do you spend in prayer each day?保羅在這裡為我們立下一個代求的榜樣。在保羅的書信中,有不少為其他信徒代禱的例子;在以弗所書,我們也見到兩個。保羅能夠那樣深切與深入地為信徒代求,實在令人感到驚訝。保羅顯然是經常熱切地為信徒代禱;反觀我們自己,又是否每天在禱告中記念別人呢?

Why not pray for others as Paul prayed for the Ephesian Christians? How would you say he prayed for them? What did he ask for? He asked that they might grow more like Christ and know more of his power and strength in their lives.我們為何不能像保羅一樣,經常為其他信徒代求呢?你覺得保羅的代求,對信徒來說是受用嗎?他為他們求些甚麼呢?他祈求他們能日漸成長,愈來愈像基督,並且在生活中更多體認基督的大能大力。

Could you make a list of Paul's requests? Then could you build some of those requests into your prayers for fellow Christians? Remember our Christian life is one of growth and it always starts on the inside. What did Paul say? 'Strengthened in the inner man.' We often pray for the 'outer man' don't we? That is for our physical bodies or for the physical needs of friends. When people are sick we pray much more for them than when they are well. Paul prayed for the 'inner man'.你可以把保羅所求的東西逐一列出來嗎?然後,再把它們帶進你為其他信徒的代禱中,你認為可以嗎?基督徒的生命,是一個不斷成長的生命,而這種成長,永遠是始自內心,所以保羅說:「叫你們心裡的力量剛強起來」。反觀我們,我們卻常為到「外體」--例如身體的毛病或物質的需要代禱。因此,當別人患病的時候,我們會熱切地為他禱告,但當他痊癒,我們卻很少再為他代求了。然而,保羅卻恆常紀念信徒「心裡」的需要。

And what about the final promise in verses 20 and 21? Isn't that a great encouragement? Paul says there is all the power of God working in you and he can do even more than you could ask or even think about. That is tremendous. Begin to pray for fellow Christians. And pray for yourself that you might know more of God's power working in your soul, the 'inner man' that Paul prayed for.第20和21節帶給我們甚麼應許?我們豈不為此而被大大激勵?保羅指出,神的大能在我們的身上工作,祂能成就一切,遠超乎我們所求所想。這是神的偉大工作。但願我們能認真地為其他信徒內心所需要的力量代求,同時,亦為到自己禱告,求神讓我們對祂在我們心中運行的能力,有更多和更深的體認。


Our Christian life must grow – what have you been feeding it?



由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 06:11:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 每天為主而活

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:03 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 每天為主而活

bible Reading:    Ephesians 4: 1 – 6讀經:   以弗所書四章1至6節
In the first three chapters of Ephesians, Paul is telling us about our wonderful position in Christ. His theme has been 'all that God has planned for the Church and all the blessings God has for every individual believer'! Now in the next three chapters Paul says: 'since all of this is true and since you are a child of God, your life ought to show something of the life and character of Christ'.在以弗所書的頭三章,保羅把我們在基督裡的奇妙身分告訴我們。他的要旨是要讓我們得知:「神為教會所預定的一切計劃,以及神賜每位信徒的各樣福氣」。如今來到接著的三章,保羅則教導我們:「上述所言的一切既是事實,而你們又既是神的兒女,那麼,你們就必須活出信徒的生命和基督的樣式。」

In these chapters, Paul writes about our relationships with fellow Christians, our neighbours, our families and with those we work with. Paul says that our Christian life ought to be seen in all of these areas.保羅在這幾章經文中,談及我們與其他信徒、鄰舍、家人和同工的關係;而無論在那一方面,我們都應該活出信徒的品格。

Just take some of the words Paul uses in verse 2 and put them alongside your life. For example what does 'humidity' mean. Beside everything else, it means that you don't want to be the centre of attention all the time. Children want that don't they? A Christian should be prepared to take second place or even last place. What does Paul say about Christ in Philippians 2:8? 'He humbled himself.' Shouldn't a Christian be prepared to do the same?我們可以嘗試將保羅在第2節列出的品格,抽取其中一項來應用在自己身上。以「謙虛」為例;謙虛的含意很豐富,但其中一個意思,就是表示信徒不應時刻關注著自己。這豈不是小孩子的表現嗎?小孩子豈不是只顧滿足自己的需要嗎?然而,信徒卻要把自己的需要看為其次,甚至是為了禮讓別人,而把自己的需要放到最後。保羅在腓立比書二章8節怎樣描述基督?他說基督「自己卑微」。基督徒豈不應該效法基督的榜樣嗎?

Long-suffering'. That is the spirit of Christ being seen in our lives when people criticise or say unkind things about us. If we will allow Christ to be seen, especially when we are right and they are wrong, we will be doing what Christ wants us to do.'Forbearing one another'. Someone has said this means 'Lovingly putting up with all that is disagreeable in other people'. That's hard isn't it? We like to be with people who like us and who say nice things about us. But when people are disagreeable and don't do things the way we want, that is the time when the spirit of Christ in us should be clearly shown. 其次是「互相寬容」。有人認為,這表示要「容忍別人身上一切不愜你意的東西」。這當然很難啊!我們都喜歡跟趣味相投,或恭維我們的人相處;那些跟我們意見不合,或處事方式不同的人,我們往往會故意疏遠;然而,正正是在後者的情況,我們更特別需要見證基督合一的靈就在我們中間。

Are you willing to pray this prayer today? 'Lord please live your own lovely life in me so that others may see I belong to you.'









由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 06:02:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 你穿著舊衣還是新衣?

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 9:49 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 你穿著舊衣還是新衣?

讀經:   以弗所書四章21至32節 保羅喜歡採用各樣的比喻,來幫助我們明白甚麼是真正的基督徒人生。保羅在四章22節所要表達的意思是:「脫去你的舊人,穿上基督給你的新人。」沒有人可以同時穿上舊人和新人;這意味著我們的生命中,不可能既保存舊人固有的壞習慣,又同時想擁有新人的好品格。保羅特別在經文中列出了好幾方面的表現:










Bible Reading:    Ephesians 4: 21 – 32 Paul uses all kinds of word pictures to help us see what our Christian life should be like. Here he says in verse 22, 'Put off your old clothes and put on your new clothes which Christ gives you'. No-one can wear two suites of clothes at the same time and we shouldn't try to wear the habits of our old life mixed up with the new habits of our Christian life.

1. In our tongues, verses 25 & 29.

If Christ is in our lives, it will show in the way we speak. It will be seen not only in the words we speak but in the way we say them. It is not always easy, but a Christian should aim to say the right thing, at the right time, in the right way. A Christian must tell the truth always, but do it in love (v.29).

2. In our temper, verse 26.

'Be angry but do not sin while you are angry.' You may say, 'I've got a quick temper, but it's all over in a minute'. For you it may be so, but what about the other person? Will they forget it just as quickly? And what about your Christian testimony? Speak strongly, act strongly if you have to, but be very careful how you do it!

3. In our tenderness, verse 32.

Life in this world can make us tough. But Christ wants us to be tender-hearted. Verse 30 tells us that Christ wants us to be tender (sensitive) toward God. Verse 32 tells us to be tender and forgiving toward each other. But again that is not always easy is it? Remember the promise of Ephesians 3: 20-21. God is able to bring this about in our lives if we will allow him.

What kind of spiritual clothes are you wearing – the old or the new?


If we can't forgive our fellow Christians, who in the world can we forgive?

由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 05:48:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 被聖靈充滿

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 9:37 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 被聖靈充滿

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 5: 15 – 21讀經:   以弗所書五章15至21節
There are two definite commands regarding the Holy Spirit in the book of Ephesians. The first one tells us what we should not do, 'Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God' (4:30). The second one tells us what we should do, 'Be filled with the Spirit' (5:18).以弗所書提出了兩個與聖靈有關的明確命令。第一個命令,是吩咐我們有一件事不可作,那就是:「不要叫神的聖靈擔憂」(四30)。第二個命令,是吩咐我們要作一件事,那就是:「要被聖靈充滿」(五18)。

You cannot really know the fullness of the Spirit if you are grieving him. To grieve him means to do the things he does not want us to do or to fail to do those things he wishes us to do. We grieve him when we live on a low level of spiritual experience when he has planned for us the very highest level of all. 我們若然叫聖靈擔憂,就無法真正經歷到聖靈豐豐富富的充滿我們的生命。「叫聖靈擔憂」的意思,就是違背聖靈的心意,去做祂不喜悅的事,或不做祂喜悅的事。當聖靈的心意是要我們各人得著豐盛的屬靈生命,然而,我們卻沒有照祂的心意去努力追求得著這種生命,我們就是叫聖靈擔憂。

What does it mean to be 'filled with the Spirit'? You know what it is to be filled with fear don't you? It is to be so frightened that you cannot move or even speak. Fear has taken control of you.那麼,「被聖靈充滿」是甚麼意思呢?首先,大家一定有過被恐懼充滿的經驗吧?當你充滿恐懼的時候,你會嚇得全身發軟,不能動彈,甚至說不出話來。那刻,你已經被恐懼所操控。

In the same way when you are filled with the Spirit, you are under his control. Verse 18 speaks about not being drunk with wine. A drunkard is controlled by what he has been drinking. A believer should be controlled by that which has come into his life, that is the Holy Spirit. 同一道理,當你被聖靈充滿的時候,你也同樣是被聖靈所操控。第18節提醒我們不要醉酒。一個喝醉酒的人,會被酒精所控制。然而,信徒既已藉著聖靈重生,他的生命就應該被聖靈所掌管。

If a man is filled with the Spirit, he is not necessarily noisy, or highly excited or even speaking in another language. Isaiah 32:17 says that 'the work of righteousness shall be peach and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever'.一個被聖靈充滿的人,不一定會大叫大嚷,或興奮得手舞足蹈,甚或是說另一種方言。以賽亞書三十二章17節說:「公義的果效必是平安,公義的效應必是平穩,直到永遠。」

How is a person filled with the Spirit? Be asking the Spirit to fill him, to control him day by day. Each morning breathe this daily prayer as soon as you awake:怎樣才能被聖靈充滿呢?我們只要祈求聖靈的充滿,祈求祂每天掌管我們的生命,聖靈就會主動充滿我們了。

Lord Jesus, I give myself to you for this day that your Holy Spirit may have his way in me today!' Why not start today with that prayer?願我們每天清晨,都以這樣的禱告來開始一天的生活:



由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 05:36:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 基督徒家庭

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 9:21 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 基督徒家庭

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 5: 22 – 33 讀經:   以弗所書五章22至33節
Would you call your home a Christian home? If so, Paul says your home ought to be different. Our homes should show to the world around, a living picture of the relationship between Christ and his Church.你認為你的家可稱為「基督徒家庭」嗎?你的答案若然是肯定的話,那麼,依保羅的看法,你的家應該是一個與別不同的家。基督徒的家庭應該在世人面前,展示出一幅基督如何與教會有著和諧關係的美麗圖畫。

Do you notice what Paul wrote? Wives should be willing to obey their husbands in the same way that the Church obeys Christ. Husbands should love their wives in the same way Christ loved the Church. In the next chapter he deals with parents and children.保羅在這段經文教導作妻子的要順服丈夫,就正如教會順服基督一樣。做丈夫的,也當愛妻子,像基督愛教會一樣。在接著的下一章,保羅將談及父母與兒女間的關係。

Paul puts the greater responsibility on the husbands. The husband may be the head of the family, but he has someone over him – Christ. The husband's love for his wife should be such that his wife will gladly respond to it just as the Church should respond to the wishes of Christ. Remember, 'Christ loved the Church not that the Church might do things for him but that he might do things for the Church'.保羅要求做丈夫的承擔更重的責任。丈夫在家中也許是頭,但在他之上卻有基督。丈夫要愛妻子,以致妻子樂意回應他的愛,就正如教會樂意回應基督的期望一樣。請記著,基督愛教會,並非是要教會去服侍祂,反之,祂卻是要去服侍教會。

Christ's love is sacrifice, sanctifying and satisfying. Christ nourishes the Church and cherishes it. To nourish is to provide everything necessary. To cherish is to do anything extra that we can do. Husband, is that how you treat your wife?基督的愛是捨己的愛,是使人成聖的愛和滿足人心的愛。愛驅使基督去保養顧惜教會,這意味著基督會供應教會的一切需要,和竭盡所能地愛護她。丈夫們,你們也是這樣愛妻子的嗎?

Wives are responsible for the atmosphere of the home. They may not be responsible for the final decisions in the family. But they must see that those decisions are carried out, not in a rebellious spirit but with willingness and in a loving atmosphere of family unity.做妻子的,要負責營造家庭的氣氛。一些家庭的重大決定,最終可能由丈夫去作決定;可是,如何去執行這些決定,妻子卻是關鍵人物。她若是以一種對抗或消極的態度去回應,家庭的合一便遭到破壞;反之,她若以尊重與合作的態度去回應,便能促進家人之間的互愛。

Here is a prayer for your home and family: 'Lord help us to make our home a truly Christian home in every way. Help us to love each other even as we love you and you love us.'


由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 05:21:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 我們必須穿上的軍裝

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 9:17 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 我們必須穿上的軍裝

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 6: 10 – 20 Was Paul chained to a Roman soldier as he wrote these words? Did he look at the armour which soldiers used to wear and think about the spiritual application? This is a wonderful passage and has a lot to say to us. There is something for our heads, our hands and our hearts.讀經:   以弗所書六章10至20節 當保羅寫以弗所書的時候,他正是被囚在監中,受著羅馬士兵的看守。是否因為他留意到士兵身上的全副裝備,所以才想到信徒在屬靈方面也需要同樣裝備充足呢?無論如此,這章經文包含了豐富的屬靈教訓,值得我們深思。它提醒我們所有信徒,不管是我們的頭、我們的手和我們的心,都需要有軍裝的保護。

We need this armour because we have an adversary, an enemy, Satan himself. If you as a believer want to enter into all the blessings God has planned for you, you will immediately discover that Satan does not want you to. He will do all he can to stop you.我們需要穿上軍裝,因為有一個敵人經常伺機攻擊我們,他就是撒但。當信徒正想進入神所預備的一切福氣時,就會馬上發現撒但的攔阻;撒但會用盡一切方法去妨礙信徒得著神的賜福。

Satan has thousands of demon spirits to help him in his fight against God and the believer. The only power that can stop him is the power of God and the Word of God.撒但有成千上萬的污鬼邪靈聽他差使去攻擊神和信徒,只有神的大能和神的話語能粉碎他們的攻擊。

In such a fight we need special equipment. What is it? Is it something the Spirit of God wants to use to protect us when Satan comes trying to find and opening through which he can thrust a strong temptation? Satan has one desire, to bring down those who are God's family. 為了應付這場爭戰,我們需要特殊的裝備。那是甚麼裝備?那就是聖靈的軍裝;當撒但試圖找出我們的弱點來攻擊我們的時候,聖靈就是藉著那套軍裝來保護我們。撒但的目標只有一個,就是要把屬神的人打垮。

Paul tells us to stand in truth, to be sure of our salvation, to live a holy life, to be at peace in our hearts and to always have the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) in our hands. And never for one moment let our faith fail. It is faith in God and not in ourselves. That faith in him can be life a shield over us protecting us from whatever Satan may throw at us. 保羅吩咐我們要持定真理和救恩,要過聖潔的生活,內心要有平安,雙手要經常緊握聖靈的寶劍(神的話)。不要讓自己的信心有一刻的軟弱--那是指到對神的信心,而不是仗倚自己的自信心。當撒但要向我們發射火箭的時候,信靠神的信心便可以成為保護我們的盾牌。

The secret of victory in the moment of temptation is instant faith in Christ and a quick call to him for help. Even the one word, 'Jesus', spoken in prayer will defect Satan and win the victory for you.當我們遭遇試探的時候,得勝的祕訣在於信靠耶穌,馬上呼求祂的幫助。即使輕輕地呼求「耶穌」,也能擊退撒但,為你帶來勝利。


'The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and is safe.' - Proverbs 18:10


「耶和華的名,是堅固臺;義人奔入,便得安穩。」 箴言十八章10節

由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 05:17:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文