2008年12月14日 星期日

[和平教會 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 081203 上的新意見。

草戊尚土 已針對您的文章「三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 081203」留下新意見:

Dear all, Peng An,
First of all, we might need to speculate what was the theological significance of Amalek people. Yahweh clearly spelled out the role and function of the Amalek, who were against Israelite when they were delievered from the slavery land of Egpyt into the freedom of the promised land. So Amalek represented all forces that would try to resist and deter the salvation grace of God toward His people. God would like his redeemed people to conquer and to exterminate all those powers that would resist and deter God's salvation process in our lives. Though those antagonist powers might bring us some benefits or enjoyments, like those fatty sheep to King Saul. We should not be enticed by them and try to keep some traces of them in our lives.

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年12月14日 下午 10:15 張貼在 和平教會 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部