2009年8月8日 星期六

[和平教會 主日講道集] 教會系列(三):同工Coworker有新意見。

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These days Abraham's story (Ge 12:2), David's story(1Sa16), Esther's story (Est 1-4), and Ruth's story(Ru 1-4) kept reciting in my heart. Our God, You called them, for Your very own purpose, to build Your Kingdom( Isa 9:6-7). Ruth followed Your calling and her heart's calling and went home (the real home in her heart) and eventually built her house (also the future House of the Lord)(Isa 7:14; Ruth 4:13-22).
This song "The Lord Is Calling Me" is throbbing in my heart (SS 1). Are You calling me home also (Ruth 1,2; Ps 45:10)?
O our God, thank You for keeping us under Your rainbow (Ge 6, 9; Rev 4,5). O our Father, thank You for sending Your Son to save us from our sins (Mt 1:23). O our Lord, thank You for Your blood(1Co 11:25) to atone for our sin and take away our guilt (Isa 6:7; Ps 23, 32, 51, 91, and 103), so that we can answer Your calling, so that we can be Your coworkers, so that we can build a dwelling place for You in our heart (Eph 2:22), so that together we build our house (2Sa 7:11).

由 匿名 於 2009年8月8日 上午 9:23 張貼在 和平教會 主日講道集