2010年10月6日 星期三

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101006有新意見。

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Manasseh King of Judah did evil in the eyes of the Lord, but he repented and sought the favor of the Lord in his distress. Since he humbled himself greatly before God, He was moved by his entreaty and listen to his plea.

The Lord has always been so forgiving, yet we should be wise enough to learn from the lessons of the rebellious kings in history before we decide to act in the way that will disappoint and anger Him.

由 Yi-ting 於 2010年10月6日上午12:06 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部