2008年2月29日 星期五

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 我們必須穿上的軍裝

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 9:17 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 我們必須穿上的軍裝

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 6: 10 – 20 Was Paul chained to a Roman soldier as he wrote these words? Did he look at the armour which soldiers used to wear and think about the spiritual application? This is a wonderful passage and has a lot to say to us. There is something for our heads, our hands and our hearts.讀經:   以弗所書六章10至20節 當保羅寫以弗所書的時候,他正是被囚在監中,受著羅馬士兵的看守。是否因為他留意到士兵身上的全副裝備,所以才想到信徒在屬靈方面也需要同樣裝備充足呢?無論如此,這章經文包含了豐富的屬靈教訓,值得我們深思。它提醒我們所有信徒,不管是我們的頭、我們的手和我們的心,都需要有軍裝的保護。

We need this armour because we have an adversary, an enemy, Satan himself. If you as a believer want to enter into all the blessings God has planned for you, you will immediately discover that Satan does not want you to. He will do all he can to stop you.我們需要穿上軍裝,因為有一個敵人經常伺機攻擊我們,他就是撒但。當信徒正想進入神所預備的一切福氣時,就會馬上發現撒但的攔阻;撒但會用盡一切方法去妨礙信徒得著神的賜福。

Satan has thousands of demon spirits to help him in his fight against God and the believer. The only power that can stop him is the power of God and the Word of God.撒但有成千上萬的污鬼邪靈聽他差使去攻擊神和信徒,只有神的大能和神的話語能粉碎他們的攻擊。

In such a fight we need special equipment. What is it? Is it something the Spirit of God wants to use to protect us when Satan comes trying to find and opening through which he can thrust a strong temptation? Satan has one desire, to bring down those who are God's family. 為了應付這場爭戰,我們需要特殊的裝備。那是甚麼裝備?那就是聖靈的軍裝;當撒但試圖找出我們的弱點來攻擊我們的時候,聖靈就是藉著那套軍裝來保護我們。撒但的目標只有一個,就是要把屬神的人打垮。

Paul tells us to stand in truth, to be sure of our salvation, to live a holy life, to be at peace in our hearts and to always have the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) in our hands. And never for one moment let our faith fail. It is faith in God and not in ourselves. That faith in him can be life a shield over us protecting us from whatever Satan may throw at us. 保羅吩咐我們要持定真理和救恩,要過聖潔的生活,內心要有平安,雙手要經常緊握聖靈的寶劍(神的話)。不要讓自己的信心有一刻的軟弱--那是指到對神的信心,而不是仗倚自己的自信心。當撒但要向我們發射火箭的時候,信靠神的信心便可以成為保護我們的盾牌。

The secret of victory in the moment of temptation is instant faith in Christ and a quick call to him for help. Even the one word, 'Jesus', spoken in prayer will defect Satan and win the victory for you.當我們遭遇試探的時候,得勝的祕訣在於信靠耶穌,馬上呼求祂的幫助。即使輕輕地呼求「耶穌」,也能擊退撒但,為你帶來勝利。


'The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and is safe.' - Proverbs 18:10


「耶和華的名,是堅固臺;義人奔入,便得安穩。」 箴言十八章10節

由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 05:17:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文