2008年2月29日 星期五

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 為信徒代求

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From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:11 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 為信徒代求

Bible Reading:    Ephesians 3: 14 – 21讀經:   以弗所書三章14至21節
What do you say when you pray for other Christians? Do you say, 'Lord bless (name), keep them, look after them!'? Can you think of anything else to say?當你為其他信徒代求的時候,你會為他們求些甚麼呢?你會否祈求主說:「主啊,求你賜福給他,保守他,看顧他!」?你還可以為他求取別的東西嗎?

Here is an example of how Paul prayed. Several of his prayers are given to us in his epistles. There are two in this letter to the Ephesians. They are wonderful in the depth of their requests. It is quite clear that Paul prayed regularly, earnestly and consistently for fellow believers. How much time do you spend in prayer each day?保羅在這裡為我們立下一個代求的榜樣。在保羅的書信中,有不少為其他信徒代禱的例子;在以弗所書,我們也見到兩個。保羅能夠那樣深切與深入地為信徒代求,實在令人感到驚訝。保羅顯然是經常熱切地為信徒代禱;反觀我們自己,又是否每天在禱告中記念別人呢?

Why not pray for others as Paul prayed for the Ephesian Christians? How would you say he prayed for them? What did he ask for? He asked that they might grow more like Christ and know more of his power and strength in their lives.我們為何不能像保羅一樣,經常為其他信徒代求呢?你覺得保羅的代求,對信徒來說是受用嗎?他為他們求些甚麼呢?他祈求他們能日漸成長,愈來愈像基督,並且在生活中更多體認基督的大能大力。

Could you make a list of Paul's requests? Then could you build some of those requests into your prayers for fellow Christians? Remember our Christian life is one of growth and it always starts on the inside. What did Paul say? 'Strengthened in the inner man.' We often pray for the 'outer man' don't we? That is for our physical bodies or for the physical needs of friends. When people are sick we pray much more for them than when they are well. Paul prayed for the 'inner man'.你可以把保羅所求的東西逐一列出來嗎?然後,再把它們帶進你為其他信徒的代禱中,你認為可以嗎?基督徒的生命,是一個不斷成長的生命,而這種成長,永遠是始自內心,所以保羅說:「叫你們心裡的力量剛強起來」。反觀我們,我們卻常為到「外體」--例如身體的毛病或物質的需要代禱。因此,當別人患病的時候,我們會熱切地為他禱告,但當他痊癒,我們卻很少再為他代求了。然而,保羅卻恆常紀念信徒「心裡」的需要。

And what about the final promise in verses 20 and 21? Isn't that a great encouragement? Paul says there is all the power of God working in you and he can do even more than you could ask or even think about. That is tremendous. Begin to pray for fellow Christians. And pray for yourself that you might know more of God's power working in your soul, the 'inner man' that Paul prayed for.第20和21節帶給我們甚麼應許?我們豈不為此而被大大激勵?保羅指出,神的大能在我們的身上工作,祂能成就一切,遠超乎我們所求所想。這是神的偉大工作。但願我們能認真地為其他信徒內心所需要的力量代求,同時,亦為到自己禱告,求神讓我們對祂在我們心中運行的能力,有更多和更深的體認。


Our Christian life must grow – what have you been feeding it?



由 和平教會 於 2/28/2008 06:11:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文