2008年3月4日 星期二

FW: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 我們有甚麼信息傳給未信者?

-----Original Message-----
From: ???? [mailto:Taipei.hoping@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 9:21 AM
To: web@hoping.org.tw
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 我們有甚麼信息傳給未信者?

Bible Reading:   BIBLE READING: Acts 10: 34 – 48    讀經:   使徒行傳十章34至48節

Isn't it easy to talk about everything except about Christ? We talk about the weather or our family or the stat of our country, but often fail to speak about our Saviour. 我們與人談論任何題目,上至天文,下至地理,以致自己的家庭,甚或是國家大事,都覺得很容易;惟獨是與人談論我們所相信的救主基督,卻覺得很困難。

As you read Peter's message in the home of Cornelius you will find it is full of thoughts about Christ. Peter knew that this was a good family. They had evening prayer and often did good deeds. But they were not saved. It was God who had said they were not (Acts 11:14). What these fine people needed was a saving relationship with Christ and a living experience of him. So that is what Peter talked to them about.我們發現,彼得在哥尼流家中所傳講的信息,主要是關乎基督本身。彼得知道哥尼流一家都是虔誠人,他們常常禱告,又廣行善事;可是,他們卻未曾得救──這是神親自告訴彼得的(徒十一14)。這一家人現在最需要的,是認識基督,和得著基督的救恩,且在生活中經歷祂的同在。

Notice what Peter said. In verse 38 he says Jesus was anointed by God. This means he was particularly honoured as God's son. He was powerful. He was concerned about people. God was with him. He died on the cross, but God raised him again. Through him we can be saved. At the end of time all the world will be judged by him.留意彼得在第38節說,耶穌是神所膏立的,這點顯示耶穌擁有神兒子的尊貴身分。除此之外,祂的一生都顯明神與祂同在,而祂亦經常運用祂的能力去幫助有需要的人。最終,祂雖然死在十字架上,可是,神卻使祂從死裡復活,讓我們可以藉著祂得救。當世界來到終局的時候,祂將要成為審判眾人的主。

What a message about Christ! What was the result? When a prepared heart meets a prepared messenger with a message about Christ, the result is always the same. Cornelius and his whole family were converted and baptised immediately.這篇有關基督的信息是何等的全面!彼得講完之後,帶來甚麼結果?當一個內心已作好預備的人,從一個已有充分準備的僕人口中,聽到有關基督的信息,通常便會產生一個正面的結果──好像哥尼流的一家人那樣,立即決志信主和接受洗禮。

What message do we have for the needy souls around us? It is the same. It is Christ - who he is and what he can do. He is still full of power and love. He can save all who come to him. 我們可以向身邊有需要的人,傳講甚麼信息呢?只有一個信息能真正滿足人心的需要,那就是基督的信息:基督是誰,祂能夠做些甚麼;祂是如何的滿有能力與慈愛,能拯救一切來到祂面前的人。

There is a message of warning too. One day God will judge all the world by this simple test – 'What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?' Peter said it here in verse 42. Paul said it at Athens (Acts 17:31). One of the last scenes in Revelation is that of the Great White Throne and the Lamb's book of life when all men will be judged.當然,我們不可忽略一個警告的信息,那就是:來到最後,神將會逐一詢問每一個人:「你怎樣接待我的兒子耶穌基督?」;這個問題的答案,將會成為神審判各人的標準。彼得在這裡的第42節提醒我們,而保羅亦曾經在雅典提醒眾人(徒十七31)。在啟示錄出現的最後一幕景象,就是世人站在白色的大寶座前,按著羔羊的生命冊,接受神的審判。

Let's talk about Christ more. He is what the world needs. He is what our friends and neighbours need. He is what everyone needs. Why don't we talk about him more?


'Let's talk about Jesus more and more'




由 和平教會 於 3/03/2008 05:21:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文