From: ???? []
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 9:18 AM
Subject: [和平教會 靈修學英文] 我們真的願意被神使用嗎?
There are at least two reasons. This was the first group of converts who were not Jews and Peter had to overcome his own deep feelings of 'racism' before he was willing to preach to these non-Jews. It was an important turning point for the church.至少有兩個原因:哥尼流是其中一個最先信主的非猶太人,彼得首先要克服他那種根深蒂固的「民族主義」情意結,才肯把福音傳給這些非猶太人。對教會來說,這是一個非常重要的轉捩點和里程碑。
God wanted to break down old barriers so that the gospel might reach out beyond the Jewish circle. But those who knew the gospel weren't willing to share it with anyone else. Before we criticise them, however, let's answer this question - how willing am I for God to use me in any way he wants to? Am I prepared to speak to anyone about Christ, especially those who seem to me to be unlovely?神期望信徒能打破舊有的人際阻隔,讓福音得以在非猶太人的圈子傳開;然而,當時的信徒卻不願意向同胞以外的人分享福音。不過,我們在批評他們之先,必須撫心自問:我是否願意聽從神的吩咐,神要我做甚麼,我就做甚麼呢?我是否願意向任何人傳講基督呢?即使是那些令我討厭、使我避之則吉的人也在所不辭?
God had to do something unusual to get Peter's attention, to make him willing. The whole message of the sheet full of animals and birds was a lesson to Peter that all the people of the world are equal in God's sight.神做了一些特別的事情,來引起彼得的關注,使他遵從祂的吩咐而行。神讓彼得在異象中看見天上縋下一塊大布,內中有各種牲畜、野獸、昆蟲和飛鳥,目的就是要他明白:在神眼中,人人平等。
When Peter understood what God was saying and was willing to go anywhere and to anyone with the gospel, then he found a heart and a home prepared by God and waiting for him.當彼得終於明白神的心意,並且願意到任何地方及向任何人去傳講福音的時候,他很快便發現,神原來早已預備了一個渴慕救恩的外邦人家庭,他們正等候他去向他們講解福音。
If we are really willing to be used by the Lord, he will take us at our word. If we are prepared to say each day 'Lord lead some soul to me today and help me to speak to that one about you and what you mean to me', we may be surprised how quickly and how often God answers that prayer. You will often find that, like Cornelius, God has prepared their hearts for what you have to say. Let's go back to our first question – Are we really willing for God to use us?
'Lead me to some soul today, Oh teach me, Lord, just what to say.'
由 和平教會 於 3/03/2008 05:17:00 下午 張貼在 和平教會 靈修學英文
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