2008年11月4日 星期二

[和平教會 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 081013 上的新意見。

草戊尚土 已針對您的文章「三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 081013」留下新意見:

Dear all, Peng An,
Very interesting speculations and discussions. Yeah, according to one study, Banjamin was ten years old when Jospheh was sold to Egypt. For those interested in the chronology of Jacob, please check the following url,

As for speculating the possible motivation or intention of Joseph in his intriguing design to trick his brothers, Joseph seemed very careful and manipulating to find out what he would like to know about his younger brother and old father's current situation.

As for the ethical concern against Joseph's plot, this might be other relavant field for us to meditate and discuss.

Was this just a story recorded in the Bible for us to enjoy? Was Joseph's behavior presented here as a descriptive historical account? Or a prescriptive model for us to emulate and follow? Or a prohibitive example to warn us against such or simular behavior?

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年11月4日 上午 11:18 張貼在 和平教會 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部